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Tick-tock. Time is running out for the chimpanzee.

Chimpanzee populations have declined by 80% in the last 25 years and will continue to decline by an additional 80% in the next 30-40 years. Chimpanzees have already disappeared from 4 African countries, and are nearing extinction in many others.


Working with world-renowned artist, Edel Rodriguez, we created a powerful image that illustrates the urgency of the problem.



The One Show 2021 – Design: Craft Illustration Shortlisted

The One Show 2021 – Print: Posters Shortlisted

D&AD 2021 – Poster Shortlisted

Key visual - Version B

Key visual - Version B



The Supplementary Exercise for kids

Under the grades-driven education system,Hong Kong parents very concern the academic achievement of their kids. That's why they are obsessed with buying countless supplementary exercises to their kids. Over the past few years, supplementary exercise becomes the bestseller in Hong Kong annual book fair and education expo.However, no matter how many exercise they finish, they never learn how humanity can make peace with Mother Nature. Jane Goodall Institute, as a global nonprofit organisation dedicated to wild life research, education and conservation, believes that education should not only be limited to academic knowledge. So we inject the chimpanzee conservation and other environmental protection issues into the exercise book, as an education to the humanity.

Hello to The CHIMpplementary Exercise

An exercise book that contains Chinese, English and Mathematics exercises to provide students with extra practice on what they have studied in school. But, with some twists in the questions...

The Chimmplementary Exercise is available in various local book fair and education expo, which are must-go for parents who have high hopes for their children's academic performance.Not only do they bring the exercise home to their kids, but also bring them back the chimpanzees and the nature.


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